56 Mitchell Lane,
Glasgow, Scotland G1 3LX

New Media Scotland would like to invite you to an evening with Distance Lab; a research organisation that is devoted to overcoming the disadvantages of distance, be they geographical, temporal, cultural, emotional, or social.
The evening will commence with an introduction from Willy Roe, Chairman of Highland & Island Enterprise. Distance Labs founder and Research Director, MIT graduate Dr Stefan Agamanolis will report on hot trends in communication and connectedness.
Projects to be highlighted include a tele-health system for supporting informal carers, new exhibition concepts that connect author and audience, immersive audiovisual recording techniques for cultural archives, and high-exertion sports games played with opponents over distance.
Prototypes and demonstrations will be on view during an informal reception with light refreshments, providing time to talk with the team and learn about what inspires them.

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Organized by New Media Scotland
New Media Scotland is a national development agency fostering artist and audience engagement with all forms of new media practice.
New Media Scotland45 Marchmont CrescentEdinburgh EH9 1HFUnited Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 131 477 3774E:hello@mediascot.org
New Media Scotland is a company limitedby guarantee with charitable status.
Registered in Scotland SC197570Scottish Charity No. SC029114
Supported by the Scottish Arts Council

Ticket Info:  Standard, Free

Official Website: http://mediascot-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 17, 2009

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