545 8th Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, New York

TWN presents its seasonal series of walk-in seminars on production topics you need - from production planning and distribution, to new media production, sound recording and more. All classes are $20 ($10 for low income) unless otherwise noted. The workshops take place at Third World Newsreel. Register now by emailing workshop@twn.org.

Wednesday, Nov 3rd, 6:30 PM
New Media Production with Andreas Jackson
Podcasting and more, a close view of New Media for the novice.($20/10 low income)

Upcoming Workshops:

Wednesday, Nov 10th, 6:30 PM
Getting Business Savvy with Your Production
Commerce, sales, the bottom line...the language of business and filmmakers. Learn business techniques that enhance your ability to get financing for your production - how do investors view a project and how can you as a filmmaker give your production the competitive edge? Led by Robin Moore, Business Analyst for Film and Media ($20/10 low income)

Wednesday, Nov 17th, 6:30 PM
Planning for Multiplatform Distribution and Marketing
Michelle Materre, both a marketing/distribution expert and a professor at the New School, Prof. Materre will talk about how to approach the marketing and distribution of your project - before you've even started shooting. Best practices, how-to's and why-to's and where to find the help you need. ($20/10 low income)

Wednesday, Dec 1st, 6:30 PM
Master Class with Laurens Grant, Producer/Director
The producer of "FREEDOM RIDERS" and "LATIN MUSIC, USA" and the director/producer of "ROKIA: VOICE OF A NEW GENERATION" talks about her work, how one becomes an award winning PBS producer and balancing producing work with her personal productions. FREE. Pre-registration recommended.

All Classes held at:
Third World Newsreel
545 Eighth Avenue, 10th Flr
between 37th and 38th Streets
1, 2, 3, A, C, E to Times Square
212 947-9277 x 15

Added by thirdworldnewsreel on October 25, 2010

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