6801 hollywood blvd
hollywood, California 90028

Join us for an evening of New Media talk in the heart of Hollywood.

New Media Interchange was founded to bring traditional media and new media creatives together. You can find out more by visiting the web site at http://newmediainterchange.com or email douglas@welchwrite.com.

Don't know much about new media? Bring you questions! We'll be glad to answer them.

Meet at the Starbucks located near the "back" of Hollywood and Highland on the 2nd floor.

Official Website: http://newmediainterchange.com

Added by dewelch on July 20, 2008



Hope I can make it over for the first hour of the interchange – I've got the Hollywood Web Television Meetup starting at 8pm that night (http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/990617/), but I'll try to make it over beforehand.