New Jersey State Safety Council Defensive Driving Course approved for a NJ Motor Vehicle2 point reductions and 5% to 10% insurance discounts.
NO WRITTEN TEST TO PASS!Get your Certificate the day of class!
Location:Howard Johnson Inn 26Route 1New Brunswick, NJ
Date:Sunday March 22nd
Time: 9am to 3pm
Cost: $75 cash or money order paid day of course by calling (973) 470-9194 to confirm a seat or Enrollin advanceby credit card for this or other course dates by clicking on our website here www.NJDefensiveDriving.com
Organized by www.NJDefensiveDriving.comNew Jersey Safety and Training company offering NJ Motor Vehicle Commission Approved Defensive Driving Courses as a member and certified NJ Defensive Driving Instructors of the New Jersey State Safety Council and also offering American Heart Association CPR, AED and First Aid Classes.
Ticket Info: MVC Approved New Jersey State Safety Council Defensive Driving Course for Point & Insurance Reduction, $76.88
Official Website: http://new-jersey-motor-vehicle-traffic-school-upcoming.eventbrite.com