6575 Central Avenue
St. Petersburg, Florida 33710

If you live in Pinellas County Florida and would like to attend this *meeting...

YOU MUST RSVP (NOTIFY) the (LPPC)-Libertarian Party of Pinellas County to be on the guest list to attend meeting!

RSVP by PHONE: Call LP Pinellas at 344-1038
RSVP by EMAIL: LP_Pinellas@msn.com
or for other LP Pinellas Meetings at: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/user/1014887/

This meeting is an INFORMAL and UNOFFICIAL (non-voting) meeting for "long-time" Pinellas Libertarian meeting attendees AND "New Inquiries" (if any) in Pinellas County Florida who have contacted LP Pinellas to be interviewed and/or who want to get more Libertarian info and "Touchbase" with "long-time" Pinellas Libertarian meeting attendees and Libertarian Book Club discussion (may feature Libertarian Books/Libertarian Issues/Libertarian Literature).

LP Pinellas (New Inquiries) "informal" (7:30pm) INTAKE MEETING will only happen if there are attendees who are "new inquiries" and who have (RSVP'd) and contacted LP Pinellas prior to meeting.

Current LIBERTARIAN "CLUB" MEETUPS are 3rd Saturday every OTHER ODD Month -- (Jan/Mar/May/July/Sept/Nov) -- But venue may be subject to change depending on RSVP Attendees List.

Please RSVP to Attend Meeting!

RSVP by PHONE: Call LP Pinellas at 344-1038
RSVP by EMAIL: LP_Pinellas@msn.com
or for other LP Pinellas Meetings at: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/user/1014887/

*Note: Meeting times and locations are subject to change! If a large number of people RSVP to attend... a change to a larger meeting place may be required. Final meetings attendees list may be confirmed by phone and/or direct email.

Meetings may be canceled if ...there are no (RSVPs) attendees confirmed, there is an emergency situation, severe weather, hurricane warnings or Force Majeure.

Official Website: http://www.lppinellas.org/meetupsevents.htm

Added by Libertarian Party of Pinellas on September 19, 2009


Michael Gilson

We had a productive meeting at the Starbucks.
**SEE PHOTOS of MEETING: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/photos/215513

Anyone who couldn't make it, can still get the Libertarian documents from the
meeting online at the links below.

In recent months many activists and Pinellas Libertarians voiced their requests
for Libertarian promotional items to be made availble online.

At our 11/21/09 meeting, we fulfilled that request by recently creating our new
"Pinellas Libertarian" black and white promotional bumper stickers, t-shirts,
buttons and other products which are now availble online at:

http://www.cafepress.com/PinellasLIB and http://www.cafepress.com/PinellasLIB2

READ ARTICLE at: http://lpfpinellas.wordpress.com/

We also made availble, PDF copies of various Pinellas Libertarian NEWSLETTERS
now online and availble for downloading at:

For upcoming Pinellas Libertarian meetings go to: