87 Lafayette Street
New York City, New York 10013


If you've ever wanted to learn Video Editing, either as a hobby or as a career, then this is the program for you. In less than 6 months, you'll become a DCTV Certified Post-Production Professional!

Pick an Editing Track (either Final Cut Pro or AVID) and you'll be enrolled in a Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Level Workshop. Add to your skills with YOUR CHOICE of 3 New Editors Elective Workshops.

Like the DCTV DocShop, this program is scheduled individually for you, and can be completed at your convenience (6-month maximum). Graduating students will receive certification as a "DCTV Certified Post-Production Professional" Becoming an Editor has never been easier!

BONUS: Also Included in this Package is FREE ACCESS to our HOW TO: Final Cut Pro Studio Seminar Workshop.

Full Workshop Value: Up to $1,200
Package Price: $1,000/DCTV Members ONLY

Placement is limited!
Call 212-966-4510 x246 to sign-up today!

For a list of our other classes and workshops, check out our website at www.dctvny.org

Official Website: http://www.dctvny.org

Added by publicity@dctvny.org on September 20, 2006