We invite you to join us for the premiere conference that brings together the industry's leaders from around the globe to discuss the impact of participatory communications on media, marketing, PR, and advertising.
Last year, NewComm Forum introduced its attendees to the potential of blogging and other new communications tools. This year, we take the conversation to the next level, examining how blogs, wikis, podcasts and other emerging tools, technologies and modes of communication are affecting organizations and how communications professionals from across the spectrum are harnessing these tools to engage in market conversations, deepen and strengthen relationships with key audiences, gain new insights into their audiences' perceptions and behavior and achieve bottom line results.
We'll talk strategy and share practical on-the-ground tips and tactics, address the tough questions, present case studies and success stories and examine what's coming in the future.
See the conference schedule on: http://newcommforum.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=18&Itemid=33
Added by JeffClavier on February 18, 2006