With the advent of social computing, media and marketing enters a brave new world. Blogs, RSS feeds, podcasts, shared video, social networks, and wikis - all these new forms of communication are increasingly winning consumer mindshare over traditional print and television. The rules of the influence game are forever changed as social computing redefines what is newsworthy, magnifies word-of-mouth marketing, and creates new ways for people to stay connected and share interests.
In this event, we will explore and answer the following key questions:
* What trends in social computing are impacting media and marketing?
* What are the professional and personal benefits for you as an individual to join this new, social phenomenon?
* How can companies leverage the new network effect to promote their products effectively and develop fruitful customer relationships?
* How can garage startups use the new technologies to get their innovation in front of potential customers or investors at minimal or zero costs?
* When should you use social media and marketing, vs. when should you use more traditional forms of communication?
* How do you structure a balanced PR and marketing campaign in this brave new world?
CSPA brings together several experienced influencers from this new world to discuss where social computing is headed, its impact on media and marketing, and its implications for startups and businesses in the Valley. Join us for some food, networking, and an insightful evening.
Rob Enderle - President and Principal Analyst, Enderle Group
David Hornik - General Partner, August Capital
David L. Sifry - Founder and CEO, Technorati
Kay Luo - Director of Communications, LinkedIn
Robert Scoble - VP of Media Development, PodTech.net
Sam Whitmore - Founder and Editor, Media Survey
Pre-register & pay at door: $10 premium members, $25 basic members, $15 students. $5+ walkins, non-members (register as basic member for free).
Official Website: http://www.cspa.com/eventdetail.php?eid=20061106
Added by FullCalendar on October 13, 2006