Could every investor be wrong?
In the world of real estate, the stock market and entrepreneurial endeavors there are a few critical mistakes that always get made when investor lose money. Every time.
Never get caught short again from a real estate collapse or a stock market implosion. Join us on Wednesday, September 16th where you will discover the three most important questions to ask yourself that will help grow your money in any climate. Yes, even this one.
This presentation will cover:
- The longest running cycle in stock market history reveals where your money should be today.
- The biggest distinction you never heard of. Could every investor be wrong? You may be surprised.
- The ambitiously lazy way to beat Wall Street at their own game.
- Charles Darwin's theory on the evolution of the human investor. It still holds true 200 years later.
Date: Wednesday, September 16th, 2009
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
About the Speaker:
RC Peck is a certified Financial Planner (CFP(R)), a Registered Investment Advisor, a successful Money Manager, an ex-commodity trader, a published author and a Master NLP practitioner. While working on Wall Street, RC soon realized that Wall Street's interests were not aligned with their clients, this lead him to realize, independent education is the key. In 1997 he started Fearless Wealth(TM)|Contrarian Investment Education Company. If you have been looking for unbiased, objective financial guidance in real estate, the stock market and your financial plan then RC Peck is the guy that will finally have you get what you want.
$10 for REI Circle members; $15 for non-members; $20 at door.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on September 3, 2009