Nevada 2009 Entrepreneurship Youth Conference - Saturday - July 25, 2009
8am - 5pm
Don't miss this phenomenal experience at the State-Wide Entrepreneurial Youth Conference.
Mark your calendars now!
This incredible day is all about young entrepreneurs - where participants will attend workshops for potential and startup entrepreneurial ideas and discussion, visit the expo and network with follow students about their businesses and ideas.
Conference Hosted by
Las Vegas Channel 3 News Anchor
Angela Martin
See the website for more detail on the
2009 Entrepreneurs Youth Conference www.teolv.com
Organized by Teen Entrepreneurs of Las Vegas
Teen Entrepreneurs of Las Vegas promotes the importance of free enterprise and entrepreneurship to teenagers.
We believe young people have the potential and power to change the world for the better. They have the ability to assess the unique needs of their communities and to create meaningful change. We aim to support young people leading positive change.
Ticket Info: - Students (includes lunch), $25.99
- Parents, $25.99
- Participants, $30.99
- Teacher /School Administration ( limited tickets available), Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/293778700/upcoming