Green Dragon Lane,
Brentford, Central Singapore TW8 0EN

Connect with like-minded business people in a fun, relaxed and social atmosphere
Build strategic alliances
Raise the public profile of your business
Enjoy a complimentary drink and light buffet
Win a prize in our draw

Organized by The Best of Hounslow Borough
The Best ofHounslow Boroughprovides a unique combination of marketing and networking services for businesses based in or operating inthe London Borough of Hounslow which includes Chiswick, Brentford, Isleworth, Osterley, Heston, Cranford, Feltham, Hanworth, Bedfont and Hounslow.
T: 020 8239 0504

Ticket Info:  
  • Business Member of The Best of Hounslow Borough, £10.00
  • First / Second Time Visitor, £15.00
  • Non Member, £30.00

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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