50 West San Fernando
San Jose, California 95113

"Networking 101 Workshop & Mixer" - Inspiring and teaching you to be someone others want to meet

*Your safe and interactive setting to learn various aspects of networking and connecting
*Increase your confidence with meeting people
*Become comfortable with the process of growing your network
*Learn from an experienced "connector" of over 15 years, Kristy Rogers
*Workshop topic changes monthly
*Priced so accessible to most

The 90 minute workshop is followed by a mixer.

Topic: How to Easily Break Into Conversations at Mixers

Time: 4 - 7:30 PM

$10 pre-registration | $15 at the door

3:45 - 4:00 registration
4:00 - 5:30 workshop
5:30 - 7:30 mixer

Upcoming Dates & Topics

Jul. 27 - How to Easily Break Into Conversations at Mixers
Aug. 31 - Referrals Reality Check
Sept. 28 - Relating Better, It's Easier than You Think
Oct. 26 - Surviving Small Talk
Nov. 30 - Best Networking Tips You Need to Know
Dec - no workshop this month


Kristy Rogers

About KristyRogersConnects:

A different focus to getting more business than your typical networking groups, meetings and mixers, here it starts with you.

* Become a "Business Co-Partner" in all your business relationships
* Attend to the subtleties in your interactions since they make a difference
* Better your communication for satisfying connections
* Gain awareness of your affect on others
* Make it easy to do business with you
* Be a pleasure to do business with

Connect with us! 3 monthly opportunities to network & expand your "Circle of Influence"

"SiliconValleyConnects" on 2nd Tuesday at 4 PM
"Business Meet Togethers" on 3rd Friday at 9:15 AM
"Networking 101 Workshop & Mixer" on last Wednesday at 4 PM

For more event details & to register:

Official Website: http://kristyrogersconnects.com

Added by FullCalendar on July 1, 2011