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Did you get the memo? Your workforce is implementing a multi-billion dollar infrastructure change — by themselves.

The modern enterprise is no longer simply an office full of people. It’s a 24/7 global workforce connected by the web. The technology, the people and the processes have to be ready. Businesses that haven’t provisioned their operations for the mobile, social worker will lag.

With many companies still grappling with this change, the opportunity to help them make the transition is a booming market worth tens of billions of dollars. In the same way the “cloud” of Internet-enabled infrastructure changed corporate IT, the virtual workforce — powered by collaboration tools and the mobile web — has transformed every level of the organization from engineering to HR.

On December 8, GigaOM presents the second annual Net:Work conference, which will highlight the new opportunities broadband and mobility are creating for connecting work and workers. Net:Work 2011 will assemble GigaOM editors and research analysts, top business leaders, and technology companies to explore the business challenges and opportunities presented by a new global culture of work.

Official Website: http://event.gigaom.com/network/

Added by FreshComm on April 20, 2011

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