Free monthly gatherings for social changemakers and web innovators to network, socialise and share ideas about how nonprofits and social benefit organisations can use the social web for social change.
David Govier and Kate Sutton from Archives+ will talk about how archives can get involved in online engagement work including sharing images and encouraging user generated contect via Flickr and Twitter. They will showcase joint projects between Archives+ and the department of Art Gallery and Museum Studies at the University of Manchester such as historical treasure hunts and hosting Twitter radio shows which help bring archives to life for new audiences.
Lynette Cawthra from the Working Class Movement Library will join us to discuss how they have used social media to engage, including a recent Twitter re-enactment of the Battle of Bexley Square.
Leslie Holmes will also be on hand to discuss how Salford Lads’ Club are utilising their rich history and archives via the web – including Facebook Timelines, Youtube channels and, of course,pictures of Smiths fans in Storify!
Official Website:
Added by MadLabuk on June 23, 2012