Saturdays, April 17 & 24, 10am - 1pm
Do you have an Internet based business? Or a website which you use for your business? Just having a website does not guarantee traffic. So how do you drive customers to your website?
Business Fact: 95% of the people check the website before buying a company's products or using the company's services.
Workshop #1 Taking Your Business Online: April 17th
A. Websites - The importance of an Online Brochure for Business Identity
B. Marketing Website
C. Brand Awareness
Workshop #2 Tech Media Marketing: April 24th
A. Social Networking - Facebook, Twitter, and more. Which works best for you?
B. Internet Marketing - Blogs, Link Exchanges, Landing Pages, E-mail blasts, E-Newsletters and more...
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 10, 2010