Net Change is a week-long collection of events designed to explore how social technology can bolster social change. Presented by the Social Innovation Generation team at MaRS (SiG@MaRS) and a range of local partners, Net Change Week will tap into the potential that exists when new methods of communicating, organizing and mobilizing are brought to bear on chronic social issues.
Net Change Week features events, discussions and workshops that will explore the intersection of social change and new media. There is something for everyone!
For more information and a full schedule, please visit
Featured Event: Social Tech Training
Free Tuitions available to a select group of NGOs!
As part of Net Change, Social Tech Training (STT) is a hands-on Web 2. 0 oriented learning intensive for people working in the social sector. This “Masters level” three-day course is ideal for larger organizations that have a website, an active email list, a profile on Facebook, MySpace, and maybe even Twitter… and see the potential for the web to become a more central part of campaign communications. The goal is to make the web program for these organizations more innovative and effective.
The really exciting news is STT is giving away free tuition scholarships to three established Canadian NGO’s! The top three applicants will be awarded with a free tuition to this year’s STT.
Note: Other scholarships for small and medium-sized organiziations are also available, just ask! Applications are due by midnight PST, Monday May 11th.
Visit to learn more about the 2009 STT, and contact us for your scholarship application at
Official Website:
Added by thegreenpages on May 13, 2009