"NESTA will launch its latest research report: "Taking Services Seriously", and the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) will present emerging findings from a joint BERR-NESTA project on innovation in services.
DIUS's "Innovation Nation" and BERR's "Enterprise Strategy" both highlight the importance of innovation in services to the UK economy. But policymakers have often lacked sufficient evidence about how services innovate and the role for policy in stimulating and supporting this innovation.
NESTA's new research uncovers the dynamics of innovation in the UK's services sector and identifies areas where policy can act to support innovation in these sectors. Michael Kitson, Director, Programme on Regional Innovation, University of Cambridge (whose team conducted the research) will present the findings.
Allan Mayo, from the Innovation in Services project team at BERR, will present emerging findings from a joint BERR-NESTA project which has drawn extensively on five business-led Sector Innovation Groups in retail, logistics, construction, environmental serices and internet services.
The collected findings of the report will be the subject of a panel discussion involving the lead researchers and representatives from leading services sector businesses.
Please join us to find out more about the findings of these two projects and to discuss their implications for policy."
Official Website: http://innovationinserviceslaunch.eventbrite.com/
Added by nico_macdonald on April 30, 2008