Exhibition duration: 12 November – 15 December 2010
Opening + book presentation + 2 concerts
on Friday, November 12th, 19:00/7pm (concerts start at 20:30/8:30pm)
About The Exhibition:
Zven Balslev (b. 1977) is a graphic artist, cartoonist, publisher and painter based in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is internationally known for his work with the notorious and now defunct danish publishing house SMITTEKILDE. Over the last decade, SMITTEKILDE has released a remarkable stream of comics, zines, artist books, vinyl records and silk-screened posters. Zven’s work with drawing and various graphic techniques such as silkscreen print, lino-cut, ink and white-out collages is a raw and unpolished magma consisting of absurd comicstrip situations, filthy abstract expressionism, rotten xerox aesthetics, conjured up with a nonchalant heavy/noisy gesture. His drawings have appeared on countless posters, flyers and record covers in the Copenhagen underground and in magazines like Mollüsk (Bongoût), Hopital Brut, The Sound Projector and La Commissure among others. The exhibition NEO-WOW in Le Petit Mignon is a retrospective selection of original drawings, prints and gig posters, PLUS a brand new series of drawings in the well-known and cherished 12×12″ square format with hints to different (sub) musical styles.
Zven’s Cultpump blogspot: cultpump.blogspot.com
About “Påvirket som kun et menneske kan være” book presentation:
With their mutual project Påvirket som kun et menneske kan være (”affected as only a human being can be”), Polish sound artist Konrad Korabiewski and Danish graphic artist Litten have created a groundbreaking interactive artwork – creating a tactile and poetic meeting between sound, image and text. Påvirket som kun et menneske kan være is shaped as a graphic book with build-in sound. The different audio chapters are activated when the pages are turned and can be listened to through headphones or speakers. The book form encourages a slow immersion in and a physical interaction with the artwork. An experience activating several senses. The tactile impression of the work is strongly emphasized by Littens graphic methods mixing several techniques such as collage, hand printed elements, linoleum print and pressed plants, often transgressing the plain page. In a similar way Korabiewski creates a rich and cinematic listening experience with a profound sense of musical space and depth. Live Korabiewski & Litten are mostly joined by German multi instrumentalist Roger Döring, who also plays on the recordings. Påvirket som kun et menneske kan være will be released on Danish label Geiger Records in a limited amount of 100 handfolded copies, each of them with a unique touch.
The book: www.paavirketsomkunetmenneskekanvaere.dk
Konrad Korabiewski’s homepage: korabiewski.com
Litten’s homepage: litten.info
About the concerts (November 12th, 20:30/8:30pm):
-Erik Levander (Sweden)
Myspace/mp3s: www.myspace.com/levander
-Lloyd Dunn (USA – Tape-Beatles)
Added by LE PETIT MIGNON on November 10, 2010