Chi-Town Daily News is a three year old independent, non-profit, online newspaper covering Chicago. We work with dozens of volunteers to produce high-quality coverage of Chicago's many diverse neighborhoods.
Do you want to get involved in reporting the news on your neighborhood? Our neighborhood reporters, many of whom had never before written a news story, cover in detail the culture, news, and events that define their communities. If you've got a few hours a month, and a passion for getting the story, this is right up your alley.
The new orientation process is a four-session journalism boot camp that covers basic reporting skills, interviewing, news writing, and ethics.
The orientation will be held from 7PM-9PM on Tuesday, April 7, 14, 21, and 28 at our office at 4222 N. Ravenswood. Please email Frank Edwards (Frank(at)Chitowndailynews(dot)org) if you'd like to attend or have any questions.
Note: To participate in the program you must attend ALL of the sessions
Official Website:
Added by Chi-Town Daily News on December 11, 2008