Back by popular demand, we're repeating our Negotiating as Women discussion.
Whether you work in corporate, non-profit, start-up, or from home, negotiating is a part of your life. Mastering the art of negotiation has unique twists for women. What specific and significant challenges do you have to deal with in order to negotiate successfully in the business world and otherwise?
Join us for an informative and experiential session to gain insights and tips for being more skillful and confident as a woman negotiator in any aspect of your professional life.
Specific topics to be discussed will include:
- Getting "under the surface" to understand the fears and motivators of all parties at the negotiating table in order to arrive at a positive outcome for both sides
- Locating and using your strengths to your advantage
- Knowing "hard" versus "soft" negotiating techniques and when and how to use them
- Finding support and resources specifically for women in business
- Guiding principles to live by in any negotiation
How do YOU negotiate, in business or in your personal life? Bring an experience to tell!
- Wendy Beecham, Forum for Women Entrepreneurs CEO
- Susan Handelman, Ropers Majeski Kohn & Bentley, Partner
Moderated by:
- Beata Lewis, Executive Coach & Change Consultant, Bridging Lives
6:00 - 6:45 pm Registration & networking reception
6:45 - 8:15 pm Presentation & discussion
8:15 - 9:00 pm Networking
Complimentary appetizers, beer, wine and soft drinks will be served.
GABA Women in Business is a special interest group creating community for women professionals in the SF Bay Area, hosting international business events and a members-only email list ( since 2007. Engage with us on topics like these now, and ongoing. Everyone is welcome!
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 31, 2010