253 High Street,
Edinburgh, Scotland EH1 1YJ

Following the launch of the latest version of its mobile working software platform awiMX, specialist software house NDL is now set to demonstrate how easy it is to seamlessly integrate mobile applications with existing back-office IT systems. To prove the point, NDL, whose technology is used by around a third of UK local authorities, 50 NHS Trusts and numerous housing authorities, is carrying out live demonstrations at a series of seminars across the UK.

Research carried out by the company shows that demand for mobile working and the software which facilities it, is set to grow rapidly by 2014, with both the size and scope of projects increasing dramatically and the number of mobile working projects expected to rise by a third in healthcare and by 20% among local authorities.

awiMX allows staff with basic development skills to quickly and easily build and distribute line-of-business apps across BlackBerry, Windows and Android smart phones and Windows and Android tablets. The system can then be integrated with multiple back-office systems using NDL’s awiSX application integration toolset. Detailed research carried out by NDL and published in the company’s annual Mobile Working Report has demonstrated that this style of mobile working brings considerable cost and time savings to organisations which adopt it. The half-day seminars will be held in Edinburgh on Thursday 2nd February and Greater Manchester on Thursday 9th February. Morning and afternoon seminars will also be held in London on Wednesday 8th February. For further details or to book your place please contact Helen Mountford on 01937 543500 or email info@ndl.co.uk

Added by Harriet Ball on January 26, 2012

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