1965 Hwy 95A
Fernley, Nevada 89408

We're holding this great two-day American Racing Club/Northern California Racing Club event on the weekend of May 12-13 at Reno-Fernley in Reno, Nevada. This will be on the whole track, with so many turns we don't even know how they number them yet! See the map below and prepare to learn this track all over again! ARC will be running one race group. NCRC will be running two DE/Open Track groups at this event. For the lower speed DE groups, this event will be a street school with passing only in safe zones. The advanced groups will run with more open passing rules. No racing or aggressive driving will be allowed in the NCRC portion of the event.

For the NCRC folks, we'll have open track and driver's education sessions, as well as a Double Point Time Trial on Saturday, and a Relay Race on Sunday. Please sign up for these in advance, during the registration process, if you're interested.

This event is open to all ARC/NCRC club members. So whether you're a beginner or advanced open tracker, or a racer, come join us for a day at the track! If you are a beginner, and expect to have instruction, please make sure to note it during your registration in advance of the track day as it is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

We will provide lunch for this event.

Limited Group drivers will have instruction available at this event if you've signed up for one. There will be a classroom session in the morning, and an instructor riding along in your passenger seat for the day to help build your track skills. You do need to reserve an instructor in advance, which is done by checking the instruction request box when you register for the event.

Are you brand-new to this activity? We have mentors that would be glad to exchange emails in advance, answer questions about tracking your car, hook up at the track to answer some of those questions you may not want to bring up at the driver's meeting in front of anyone else. Request a mentor on your registration form when you sign up for an event.

We recommend staying in Sparks/Reno, and enjoying the off-track time in the evening.

We are currently accepting early-bird sign-ups for this event on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost is $220 for one day, $440 for the weekend for members. Non-members add $10 per day. The early-bird price will increase by $35 after April 21.

Official Website: http://ncracing.org/rf070512.html

Added by rnair on March 7, 2007