700 Monroe St SW,
Huntsville, Alabama 35801

10th Annual NCMS Mid-South/DSS Seminar scheduled for 16 April 2009


Where: Von Braun Center, East Hall, Huntsville, Alabama.

Why: Security Education and Training at its Best, Provided by World-class Speakers from NSA, Industry and Military.

Topics: Insiders Threat, Security Education, Counter Intelligence and Security Awareness.

Cost: Members: $80.00, Non-members: $90.00, prior to 9 April 2009; $100 After 9 April 2009 for all who register or walk-in. Checks must be mailed to Miltec, NCMS MidSouth Chapter, Attn: Paul J. Malone, 678 Discovery Drive, Huntsville, AL 35806 and received NLT 9 April 2009.

CANCELLATIONS: All cancellation must be received NLT 1700 on 9 April 2009 to Paul J. Malone @ (256) 428-1306 or pmalone@mil-tec.comin order to be consider a No-show.

No-show policy: No-shows hurt the chapter treasury. Because of our limited budget, it is necessary to assess the cost in the event a reservation is made but not kept or cancelled by the cutoff. Your understanding is genuinely appreciated. Comments or concerns about the meeting announcement, the meeting, the menu, the program, parking, or anything pertaining to Chapter activities are welcome. Please contact any of your Chapter officers.

NOTES: It is recommend that you bring a jacket, the VBC can be very cold.

Any questions, please contact Paul J. Malone @ 256-428-1306 or pmalone@mil-tec.com

Organized by NCMS Midsouth Chapter
NCMS was founded in 1964 by a group of government and industry security classification managers and administrators who recognized the importance of establishing a society, national in scope, to advance the practice of Classification Management as a profession.
Today, the Society has nearly 3,000 members in the United States and overseas including representatives from NATO countries. Within the U.S., members come from the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, Department of State, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, General Accounting Office--virtually every Federal agency that deals with classification--and from the civilian contractors who work with these agencies. As the Society has grown over the years, its focus has also expanded. NCMS now provides professional development for its members in the field of classification management, information security, personnel security, computer security, operations security (OPSEC), facility security, and technology security.

Ticket Info:  
  • Member Ticket (Early Register), $80.00
  • Member Ticket (Late Register), $100.00
  • Non-Member Ticket (Early Register), $90.00
  • Non-Member Ticket (Late Register), $100.00

Official Website: http://ncmsmidsouth16april2009seminar-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 17, 2009

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