Join your fellow HR professionals for an evening of delicious food, wine, conversation, live music, and of course fabulous prizes. Activities include sponsor bingo, fun questions, all with prizes, including a free conference registration for HR West 2012 - a $700 value!
Please bring a donation of toiletries for STAND! For Families Free of Violence, a charity committed to promoting safe, stable, and strong families in our community. STAND!s approach to family violence is well-rounded and community-wide. In addition to a complete spectrum of prevention, intervention, and treatment programs, STAND enlists the efforts of the communities it serves, as well as partners and institutions striving with us to stop violence and child abuse. We cannot achieve our mission without the efforts of everyone in the community, every school, every faith community, and every neighborhood.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on June 16, 2011