415 Summer Street
South Boston, Massachusetts 02210

The producers of AMERICAN IDOL, Simon Cowell and Fremantle Media, are teaming up once again with NBC in search of the hottest variety and novelty acts from across the country!

NBC's "America's Got Talent" is holding OPEN AUDITIONS:

Oct. 20th - 21st
7am - 8pm
Boston Convention Center
415 Summer St.
Boston, MA 02210

Talents of all kinds are invited to audition. We want singers, dancers, animal acts, bizarre novelty routines, burlesque performers, magicians, comedians, belly dancers… the sky’s the limit!! Individuals and groups of all ages are welcome. Your unique talent could be worth ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

No matter what your talent, no matter what your experience level, and no matter how unique your act, if you have talent, we want to see you!

For the audition, please prepare a 90-second routine and a 90-second backup routine. Singers are required to sing a capella. Performers may play their own instruments. Bands: basic equipment will be provided. You may bring supplemental material (CD’s, DVD’s) to show parts of your act that are prohibited at the audition. No fire, sharp objects, weapons or explosives at the audition please. Performers under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

You can find further information and download the “Casting Information Sheet” and “Release Form” from www.nbc.com

Added by DJLanda on October 12, 2006



Go to the official show audition page http://www.AGTaudition.com to pre-register and find out more about the Boston Auditions.


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