Monthly Meeting Location,31 W Carrillo St.
Santa Barbara, California 93101

Please choose your event carefully
and make your reservations accordingly.
No refunds will be made.

September 16, 2008

NAWBO-SB Business Discussion Group and Brown Bag Lunch Meeting

* Tuesday, September 16, 2008 – noon- 1 p.m.
* RE/MAX Santa Barbara Conference Room, 1903 State Street
* Discussion of The Eighth Habit by Stephen R. Covey and how we can use its information in our businesses and lives

September 24, 2008

NAWBO-SB Monthly Breakfast Meeting

* Web 2.0: Effectively Using Today’s Internet for Your Business
Presentation by Jacques Habra, General Manager of FirstClickSEO
* Wednesday, September 24, 2008 – 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.
* Canary Hotel, 31 W Carrillo St, Downtown Santa Barbara

October 22, 2008

NAWBO-SB Monthly Luncheon Meeting
(Some of our members have requested a lunch meeting. If attendance is good, we will schedule more lunches.)

* A Woman's Perspective of a Man's Navy: We’ve come a long way, but…,
Speaker Capt. Mary Kolar (Retired) who spent 28 years in the Navy
* Wednesday, October 21, 2008 – 11:30 a..m. TO 1:30 p.m.
* Canary Hotel, 31 W Carrillo St, Downtown Santa Barbara

November 19, 2008

NAWBO-SB Monthly Breakfast Meeting

* Emotional Intelligence & Leadership featuring Relly Nadler, author and founder of True North Leadership
* Wednesday, November 19, 2008 – 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.
* Canary Hotel, 31 W Carrillo St, Downtown Santa Barbara

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite events on September 24, 2008

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