Navigate November
A 1-Day Workshop
Sunday, November 23, 2008
San Jose, CA
10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Feeling stressed out?
Tired of hearing all the doom & gloom?
Concerned about your focus and direction?
"The wisest men [& women] follow their own direction.
~ Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC)
Regular tuition $297
Only $197, when you sign up by 11/19/08
Pre-registration is required.
Register Now:
or call 408-859-PINK (7465)
In this workshop you will use journaling exercises to guide you. Like gathering and disposing of fallen leaves, we will explore what we need to leave behind. We will look at what we treasure and what direction we need to set to navigate the coming months. Often the holiday season can be a bit chaotic, so we will establish a method to keep us focused and positive.
Then in December we will look further forward into 2009.
Set your direction and enjoy what you treasure!!!
See Website for info on Bonus Gifts
The Journaling Jenius(TM) ( is pleased to present - Navigate November -- a one-day workshop hosted by a dynamic and playful presenter, Judy Peebles. Her workshops teach tools & techniques that empower you to find your passion, life direction and personal path to success.
Judy is an International Speaker, Business Skills Trainer and Coach. After 25 years of corporate experience, including sales operations, group dynamics, marketing, and technical training, she leapt off the corporate ladder in 2007 and founded her own company, Peebles Pursuits, Inc.
Utilizing journaling, hypnosis and other cutting-edge techniques, she partners with clients to achieve immediate results in their businesses, careers, relationships, and their health and fitness.
Experience the Positive Power of the Pen!
$297, only $197 before 11/19/08.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 13, 2008