The NAVFAC Atlantic 2009 Industry Forum is a one-day conference designed to inform and connect leaders in the construction, real estate development, energy management and architecture/engineering industries who team with NAVFAC Atlantic to provide the best infrastructure solutions to the Navy and Marine Corps.
This forum offers a chance to network with NAVFAC Atlantics top leaders and provides information you need on the latest policies, workload, standards, and initiatives within NAVFAC. Attendees will hear from NAVFAC leaders in the areas of acquisition, small business, environmental issues, engineering, energy, design and construction, facilities support, and safety. The forum will also provide interactive discussion of issues important to NAVFAC and industry.
Click to View Brochure(Coming Soon)Click to View Detailed Agenda(Coming Soon)
The forum will be held at the new Virginia Beach Convention Center at 1000 19th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451.
Map of Area
Oceanfront Area Map
Accommodations are not included in your registration fee. Please make your reservations early. A limited block of rooms has been saved at the Doubletree Hotel at 1900 Pavilion Drive, conveniently located next to the convention center. The group rate of $129.00 plus taxes will be available until May 17, 2009. Reservations should be made directly with the Doubletree Central Reservations Line at 1-800-222-TREE on an individual basis, identifying yourself as attending the "NAVFAC Atlantic Industry Forum" hosted by ASCE. Reservations can also be made online at
http://www.virginiabeach.doubletree.com . Once at this site, click on "Book A Room." The Group Code of "NAF" must be entered in the "Group/Convention Code" field to access the discounted guestroom rates. Alternate Accomodations in Virginia Beach can be found through the Virginia Beach Convention and Visitors Bureau
Included inyour registration fee arethe icebreaker, continental breakfast, lunch, snacks during breaks, anda copy of theprinted presentation materials.
The icebreaker will be held Tuesday evening June 9, 2009 at theDoubletree Hotel at 1900 Pavilion Drive, Virginia Beach, VA from 5:30pm to 8:00pm.Heavyhors d'oeuvresandnon-alcoholic beverages will be provided, and a cash bar will be available. Military dress code during the icebreaker will be Whites.
Payment may be made with a credit card or check. Credit card payments are processed by through paypal. Checks should bepayable to ASCE Norfolk Branch and can be brought to the event or mailed to 9030 Granby St., Norfolk, Virginia 23503.
Golf Tournament
A golf tournament is currently planned for June 9, 2009. The cost of the tournament is $50 per golfer. Details will be published shortly.
Jointly hosted by the Norfolk Branch of ASCE and the Hampton Roads Post of SAME
Organized by Jointly Hosted by the Norfolk Branch of ASCE and the Hampton Roads Post of SAME
Ticket Info: - General Attendee, $160.00
- General Attendee with Golf Tournament, $210.00
Official Website: http://navfacforum2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com