4501 Woodway Dr
Houston, Texas 77024

Join the Trekkers at the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center for fun filled week long camps that explore the natural world through active hands on indoor and outdoor adventures at this 155 acre nature sanctuary. Children are taught in classes by age (5 & 6 yrs., 7 & 8 yrs. and 9-12 yrs.) There are morning only options going from 9 a.m. to noon and full day options going from 9 to 3 p.m., but limited spaces in either.

Only 1 space for 5-6 & 9-12 yr. olds in the class on July 26-30, “Ickyology” (morning only). There you can become an ickyologist and discover all things slimy, stinky and slippery. Two spaces are left in the 7-8 yrs. morning class option.

Just 3 spaces are left in the 7-8 yrs. morning only class on August 2-6, “Hooked on Fish.” School is never out for fish. From fierce predators to colorful clowns, we will become experts on the ways of fish in this class.

Only the 9-12 yr. old classes on August 9-13 have open enrollment. Two spaces are left for the all day option with an afternoon Yoga class for kids. More spaces are open for the morning class, “Goosebumps and Mysteries” where we will learn about bats, spiders and other creepy creatures of the animal world.

All day option (9-3 pm) - Members: $230/child/class - Non-members: $270/child/class. Morning-only option (9-noon) - Members: $120/child/class - Non-members: $150/child/class. After Camp option (3-5pm) - Members: $100/child/per week - Non-members: $110/child/week. Members receive priority registration. Members must be a Family Tree ($70) level or above to receive member rates on classes. Family Discount: $10 off registration for additional child in same family. Cancellations by Arboretum: After Camp classes require a minimum number of participants and may be cancelled the Wednesday before camp if the minimum of 8 is not met. CLICK ON THE LINK TO REGISTER: https://www.houstonarboretum.org/summercampform.asp.

Added by LBPR on July 14, 2010