4501 Woodway Dr
Houston, Texas 77024

Join Houston Arboretum & Nature Center Naturalist teachers for fun-filled week long camps that explore the natural world through active hands-on indoor and outdoor adventures at this 155 acre nature sanctuary. Children are taught in classes by age (5 & 6 yrs., 7 & 8 yrs., and 9-12 yrs.). MORNING ONLY OPTION: 9 a.m. – noon OR FULL DAY OPTION: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Visit www.HoustonArboretum.org for more information.

June 7-11: AMAZING SURVIVOR CAMP (session 1)
Animals, plants, and people all have different strategies to live. Learn the essentials for survival in the Arboretum wilderness. Campers will help build a shelter, cook with a solar oven, learn to navigate with a compass, make a terrarium to take home, and identify animal tracks. NOTE: 5 & 6 yr. old class ALL DAY option is FULL.
AFTER CAMP OPTION (3-5pm): Summer Art Camp – Birds of a Feather
Song birds and night-hunters; long-legged waders and tree-clingers…. Let our fine feathered friends be your inspiration during this fun-filled week of creativity. Teachers from City ArtWorks will lead children in fun, creative art projects inspired by nature.

June 14-18: WATER WIZARDS CAMP (session 1)
Investigate watery ecosystems at the Arboretum and discover the creatures and features that make them tick. From the microscopic to the frogs and crayfish that call wetland areas their homes, students will dive deep into the world of ponds and wetland habitats at the Arboretum. NOTE: 5 & 6 yr. old class MORNING ONLY option is FULL.
AFTER CAMP OPTION: Creative Movement
Class focuses on locomotor skills with the use of music and games. The campers will enjoy dance, yoga, rhythm instruments, tumbling, and gardening. Instructors will guide children through non-competitive activities that will stimulate mind and body, and will give the children freedom to imagine and create their own movement material. This will be a perfect end to their day as they cool down from camp and rejuvenate for the evening.

All day option (9-3 pm) - Members: $230/child/class - Non-members: $270/child/class. Morning-only option (9-noon) - Members: $120/child/class - Non-members: $150/child/class. After Camp option (3-5pm) - Members: $100/child/per week - Non-members: $110/child/week. Members receive priority registration. Members must be a Family Tree ($70) level or above to receive member rates on classes. Family Discount: $10 off registration for additional child in same family. Cancellations by Arboretum: After Camp classes require a minimum number of participants and may be cancelled the Wednesday before camp if the minimum of 8 is not met.
CLICK ON THE LINK TO REGISTER: https://www.houstonarboretum.org/summercampform.asp.

Added by LBPR on May 27, 2010