7600 Whittington Dr.
Richmond, Virginia 23225

April has been declared “Children and Nature Awareness Month.”Crestwood Elementary is planning a Nature Fair and Plant Sale on Saturday, April 17th from 1:00-4:00. This fun-filled family event is free and open to the public. In the case of rain the Fair will be held in the school gym.
Parent volunteers, students and teachers will be growing herb, flower and vegetable plants in the greenhouse located on the school grounds. Our goal is to accentuate the social aspects of gardening through team building and leadership development. The proceeds of the plant sale will help fund many projects crucial for the continued sustainability of the greenhouse and other projects on the school grounds.
The Nature Fair will provide an opportunity for children to experience hands on activities and enjoy educational displays to keep Virginia green and growing!

The Nature Fair and Plant Sale will have the following components:

Displays from groups/organizations: There will be approximately 30 or more businesses, government agencies and nonprofit groups that will provide educational displays. The children will be able to observe bug collections, birds, snakes, turtles, water and plant exhibits.

Arts and Crafts: There will be a large area for children to experience nature-based craft activities. They will be able to make their own terrariums, create self portraits using plant materials, make butterfly catchers, bird feeders and much more.

Act of Nature: There will be a roped off section where children will be able to role play scenarios based on nature topics. These topics include the migration of birds through the wetlands, or learn about what animals do each season. There will be two to three different act of nature activities every hour.

Fishing Derby: A local Boy Scout troop will be hosting a fishing derby. Children will be able to fish at the lake located across the street from the school grounds. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the event. Children will also be able to make fish prints.

Student area: Crestwood students will have their own exhibit and sales area. The children will create nature exhibits/displays, and also sell items they have created, such as painted birdhouses, mosaic garden stepping stones, homemade trail mix, nature related bookmarks, ect.

Food Concession and Raffle Booth: Parents will be selling food and drinks. The PTA will also be raffling several items that have been donated by area businesses.

Added by karenhufford on February 11, 2009

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