Viewers from KIXE TV's 10 county viewing area, can go out into the wilderness and shoot footage of scenery and wildlife in Northern California! The video can't be more then 3 minutes, and must be filmed in KIXE TV's 10 county viewing area: Butte, Tehema, Colousa, Glenn, Plumas, Lassen, Siskiyou, Trinity, Shasta, Modoc! The video can't have any talking, people, or any man made structures, or domesticated animals (complete set of rules and instructions on the website!) The videos are uploaded through Youtube, and then you type in the URL on the dedicated website to upload it! The most watched videos will be shown on KIXE on October 18 at 7:00 P.M., just before NATURE! Deadlines for submissions are sometime in September!
(See website for complete info)
Official Website:
Added by briantravelman on July 22, 2009