15629 S. Rt. 59
Plainfield, Illinois 60544

Hear career coach and motivating, entertaining speaker, Jody Eriksen present focused and personal solutions to remove the blocks that keep job seekers from meaningful networking.

Come on Tuesday, January 25th to the Employment Ministry meeting in the St. Mary Immaculate Parish Faith Sharing Room at 15629 S. Route 59 in Plainfield. There is no cost to attend; pre-registration is not required and everyone is welcome.

If you are new to networking, come for a 6:30 pm introduction to networking tools like the Handbill and the Elevator Speech.

Jody combines a BS in Psychology with a Master of Business Management to offer integrated perspective that blends a theoretical background in counseling and personal development with broad based experience in business management and human resources. Her presentations offer practical tools and personal strategies that build a solid path to achieve long term goals.

Volunteer Employment Ministry coaches (each an experienced hiring manager) are also available for a one-on-one work session to get your resume and handbill reviewed, develop networking or interviewing skills, or talk with a person who cares about your spiritual/emotional/financial help needs.

For more information, or to join our team, please email EmploymentMinistry@smip.org or call 815-436-2651 ext 815.

Official Website: http://www.smip.org

Added by debachtel on January 6, 2011

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