Explore Northern Ohio's wild beauty and its local wineries on this one-of-a-kind wine tour. Each date offers a naturalist-led hike on a spectacular Museum preserve followed by a wine-tasting opportunity at a local winery. Bring your enthusiasm for the great outdoors, good wine and good company too!
We have two Wine Tours coming up:
Saturday, May 12 to the Mentor Marsh (Lake County) followed by lunch and a wine tasting at Harpersfield Vineyard in Geneva. Leaders: Judy Semroc & Larry Rosche.
Saturday, May 19 to the North Kingsville Sand Barrens (Ashtabula County) followed by lunch and a wine tasting at Markko Vineyard in Conneaut. Leaders: Jim Bissell & Stanley Stine.
Each Saturday field trip starts at 10 am and is guided by Museum staff. After the hike, travel to the winery for lunch and a tasting. Fee: $35 per person.
To register online, and read about the other wine tours, visit: http://www.cmnh.org/site/WineTour.aspx
Co-sponsored by The Cleveland Museum of Natural History and Ohio Wine Producers Association
Official Website: http://www.cmnh.org/site/Conservation/NewsAndEvents/WineTour.aspx
Added by cmnhmarketing2664 on May 8, 2012