4182 Forsyth Rd
Macon, Georgia 31210

This exhibit, featuring artifacts and prints, celebrates and explores heritage of Native Americans who have inhabited Georgia through the ages.

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 17, 2012



Any regulars recommended any good (reasonable cost, clean, smoke free, half-decent breakfast!) local hotels.


@sean23uk: For local places check out http://www.london-se1.co.uk/hotels/

It's not exactly local, but a great place to stay with cheap rooms available if you book early: http://www.hoxtonhotels.com. Pretty easy to get to the Southbank from there, just take the Northern Line down to London Bridge and take a 10-15 minute walk along the river.


do we expect tickets (for which we've booked/paid for) in the post prior to event or just turn up on the day?


sean23uk: assuming it's the same as the last few years, you just turn up - they'll have your pass and goody bag waiting for you.