2185 Meadowlane Ave
West Melbourne, Florida 32904

You are invited to hear Rick McBride talk on the Native American Medicine Wheel at the UU Church of Brevard, Sunday October 28.
Check it out: http://uubrevard.org/Sunday%20Services.htm
Rick is also speaking at the Nature Coast UU in Lecanto on November 25th.
Teachings of the Medicine Wheel workshop:
An experiential work-shop to be held in Orlando December 1 & 2. Early reg. $125, after Nov. 25, $160.
Rick McBride is a metis Tsa La Gi (mixed-blood Cherokee) and has actively participated in Native American ceremony for over twenty years. He is best known as a sundancer, inipi (sweat lodge) leader and singer. He also teaches workshops on the Medicine Wheel, as well as drum and rattle-making. Please contact wopela@earthlink.net for information & flier on any of the above listed events.

Official Website: http://uubrevard.org/Sunday%20Services.htm

Added by ladyirene on October 19, 2007

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