Come celebrate the August Full Moon by participating in a bountiful gourmet feast served family style at Rancho Los Cerritos Historic Site on Saturday, August 13. Under the expansive Moreton Bay Fig tree in the backyard, Primal Alchemy’s Chef Paul Buchanan will prepare recipes inspired by Native American menus. He has developed this creative feast to include sustainable and locally based dishes – all with a gourmet touch – and will incorporate locally grown foods that would have been used by the Tongva people who inhabited the lands now occupied by Rancho Los Cerritos. Tickets are $105 per person and include food, wine and indigenous-inspired music and tales. Seating is limited. Please R.S.V.P. by August 5, 2011. For more information and a menu sample, please refer to the website: or call the Rancho Foundation office: (562) 570-1755
Added by RanchoLosCerritos on July 14, 2011