5101 Lovington Hwy
Hobbs, New Mexico 88240

This is an historical nationwide event. The citizens in communities through out the nation are holding the tea parties in an effort to organize the sovereign power and make strategic plans to take our country back. This is not about politics. It's about "We the People" and our rights and responsibilities as citizens of this great nation. These events will be broadcast live so bring your signs but keep'em clean and family friendly. This is for the citizens in our community. Regardless of which political party you affiliate with, if you want the right to continue to make that choice, then come and stand united with all the people in the nation on this historical day. For more information call 575.318.6333 or email to taxpayersforjustice@gmail.com

Added by hobbsteaparty on April 4, 2009



Our fallen heroes gave their lifes blood to protect, preserve and defend our people, our country, and our Constitution!!! Do we not all, as citizens, owe them this statement of the sovereign power for their sacrifice?