945 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222

Michael Jantze, founder of Jantze Animation Studios and creator of the nationally-syndicated "The Norm" comic strip, will speak at ToonSeum on Friday February 12th at 6pm. Michael Jantze also teaches sequential art at the Savannah School of Art Design.
His talk at the Toonseum will feature a complete examination of the past, current and future markets for comic strip new media, as well as the inherent differences between animation and print media. Don't worry! There are loads of cartoons and comics as examples!  Michael will walk attendees through Jantze Studios' process of converting traditional comic strips and comic books into attention-grabbing new media shorts and short-form animation.
Michael brings his background in film and television, comics and animation to help illuminate his energetic ideas regarding the future of short form media, whether it's in print on a screen. Michael has worked as a newspaper graphics editor, a syndicated newspaper comic strip artist, educational filmmaker, visual effects art director at Industrial Light + Magic, animation director and professor.
Jantze Studios works with clients like Hilton Hotels, YouTube, Lucas Online, Fox Sports King Features Syndicate, United Media, RingTales and other discerning corporations and individuals with money to make the world a better place to laugh.
SCAD: The University for Creative Careers The Savannah College of Art and Design is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution that offers bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in 46 majors at locations in Savannah and Atlanta, Georgia; in Lacoste, France; online through SCAD eLearning; and in Hong Kong beginning Fall 2010. Visit scad.edu.
Friday February 12th, 6pm
The ToonSeum
945 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
The talk is included with paid admission to the ToonSeum:
4 dollars for adults
3 dollars for students

Official Website: http://www.toonseum.org

Added by ToonSeum on February 6, 2010

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