Nashville, Tennessee

The National Preservation Conference provides all-important know how, innovative ideas, and inspiration for people saving America’s historic places and revitalizing communities. The Conference is the premier educational and networking event for community leaders, volunteers and staff of the historic preservation movement.

Take advantage of the opportunity to explore and learn from the preservation challenges and successes in Nashville and the communities and countryside that surround it. Pasts filled with frontier hardships, Civil War battles, civil rights struggles, and the development of American music are blending with New South energy and thriving Main Street communities. The unfolding stories are told through plantations and farms, town squares, battlefields, city streets, historic African-American institutions, 19th and 20th century neighborhoods, and music venues from intimate bars to the world-famous Ryman Auditorium.

See for yourself how Nashville and Tennessee are national leaders in developing sustainable and cultural tourism. Top it off with the influential role that Nashville has had on the development of American music and you will see there is no place like Nashville to celebrate and enjoy our pasts!

Official Website:

Added by preservationtoday on January 28, 2009