Litter in our creeks is not only unsightly; it also impacts water quality and harms local wildlife. Help keep Sunnyvale and our local waterways clean by participating in the National River Cleanup Day 2010 on Saturday, May 15 from 9 a.m. – noon.
National River Cleanup Day is sponsored by the Creek Connections Action Group, a consortium of public agencies and nonprofit organizations that share a common goal of protecting Santa Clara County’s waterways. This year’s event in Sunnyvale will focus on picking up litter and debris from the Sunnyvale East Channel and areas around Baylands Park.
This event is open to everyone; however it may not be suitable for young children. For both events, youth under the age of 18 must have parental approval and anyone age 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
To register or receive further information on either event, call the City of Sunnyvale’s Environmental Outreach division at (408) 730-7717, TDD (408) 730-7501 or send an email to
Registered participants will receive additional instruction on the morning of the event. Gloves, pickup sticks, safety vests, trash and recycling bags will be provided. Volunteers are encouraged to wear long pants, sturdy shoes, hats, and bring sunscreen.
Added by jbesoyan on April 19, 2010