8 Ashburton Place
Boston, Massachusetts


This conference seeks to bring academics together in a multidisciplinary setting. There is an increasing realization that each academic discipline cannot thrive on its own without capitalizing on the rapidly developing research and findings across the disciplines.

To participate in this conference, please submit an abstract, paper or proposal in one of the following tracks:

• Social Sciences and Humanities,
• Business and Economics,
• Teaching and Education,
• Engineering and Technology,
• Physical and Life Sciences, and
• Interdisciplinary Studies.

The best paper in each of these six refereed tracks will be recognized through an engraved plaque. The reviewers will select the winning papers.

It is up to each author how much to submit or publish. Some authors may publish only an abstract in the proceedings. Others may prefer to publish a longer format such as a full paper. IJAS does not ask for the authors' copyrights; authors are free to take their presentation work elsewhere and publish it in a journal.


The submission deadline for this conference is May 13, 2009.

Within two weeks of receiving your paper, we will notify you of the reviewers' acceptance or rejection. If you submit an abstract instead, we will notify you within a matter of days.

You will get a free copy of the proceedings on a CD-ROM entitled Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences (ISSN 1943-6114).

At the conference, the presentation room will be equipped with a laptop, a digital projector and a projector screen. The laptop will be set up for Powerpoint presentations. Linux and Mac users are asked to save their presentations in a compatible format. In the evolving world of Microsoft, save down to the 97-2003 format in order to ward off any problems. Make sure to bring with you about 10 to 20 hard copies for the attendees.


Suffolk's daily rate for a single room with a semi-private bathroom is $75. For those who are willing to share a room with another person, the rate is $49 per person. The maximum number of occupants per room is two. Both rates include a complimentary breakfast.

Attendees may book their lodging directly with Suffolk University.

Official Website: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2376747

Added by IJAS on April 7, 2009

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