Nathan Timmel was born in the lovely year of 1969, making his parents either “hippies” or “flower children,” depending on your political leanings. Somewhere around 1975 or ’76, he saw an album with a man picking his nose on it. Finding such visuals funny, he conned his sweet natured, by definition “senile,” grandmother into buying it for him. The album was George Carlin’s Class Clown, and it solidified Nathan’s desire to make people chuckle. It also made him the only six-year-old able to fire off ‘The Seven Dirty Words You Can’t Say On Television,’ to the dismay of his playmates parents. Since that day Nathan has gone on to perform at numerous comedy clubs across the nation; he even did a Department of Defense comedy tour overseas for American Troops. Yes, many a proud show was had when the men were promised the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and instead saw Nathan’s scrawny ass…
Today Nathan resides in Los Angeles, where he enjoys the smog, traffic and sitting around writing. Is he as funny as all hell? You better get down to the club and see for yourself…
Tickets are $8 in advance or $10 at the door. For more information please visit our website at
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Added by aacomedy on May 9, 2009