Cavill St Surfers Paradise
Surfers Paradise, Queensland 4217


In stores August 1st through Tension Records and Leading Edge Music Stores
Proceeds from every sale go to the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund and a new music school for underprivileged children

The Queen wishes me to write and thank you for the letter and the gift of a CD you have recently sent to Her Majesty. The Queen was interested to learn of your fundraising efforts for both the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund and your plans for a music school for underprivileged children, and I am to thank you for sending this recording of a song sold as part of this Endeavour.
Her Majesty asks me to thank you for your thought for her and she wishes you every success with your project.

Amanda Whitehead, Lady in Waiting, Buckingham Palace

To coincide with Aug 31st 2007, the ten year memorial of Princess Dianas passing, Australian singer / songwriter Nathan Fynn, in association with Tension Records, is proud to announce the release of his new single The Princess.

An inspirational tribute to the life that Princess Diana lived, and the millions of people that she touched, The Princess has been personally endorsed by Prince William, Prince Harry and the Queen herself. The concept behind releasing The Princess was conceived by Nathan and Tension Records to assist two separate fundraising processes, namely (please see The Story below for full details):

$1 from every sale will go directly to the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund: The Fund does not accept public donations however upon listening to the song, the Fund advised that they will allow Tension Records to make twice yearly donations as a commercial participator.

A further $1 per CD will be used to fund a new Music School for Underprivileged Children to be built in Queenslands South East. Through a partnership with the Queensland Government, Tension Records are funding a music school for underprivileged and indigenous youth. The Queensland Government has agreed to contribute $300,000 to the establishment of the school if Tension Records can raise $200,000.

The breakdown of fundraising from the single is: $1.05 Manufacture, .50c Mail & Admin, $1 Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, $1 Music School: Total $3.55 wholesale

Prince William and Prince Harry have asked me to thank you for the CD The Princess by Nathan Fynn. The Princes were very touched and send you their best wishes.
Jamie Lowther - Private Secretary to Prince William and Prince Harry, Clarence House, London
The Story

Ten years ago, as the news of Dianas tragic passing filtered around the world, Hamish Mitchell was instantly inspired to write The Princess, a poem that celebrated her life. Hamishs somber dedication to the life of the Princess was instantly embraced by a world struggling for words to in the wake of such a tragic accident. John Kerr at Sydneys 2UE placed the poem on high rotation and it was soon picked up by the Australian Womans Weekly and published in their 1997 Souvenir Edition celebrating Princess Dianas life. The community outpour following the poems publication was overwhelming; with Hamish penning the words millions struggled to say.

To mark the Aug 31st 2007 ten year anniversary of Princess Diana's passing, Nathan Fynn has taken Hamishs stirring sonnet and transformed it into song as a testament to her life.

The School

Tension Records have identified a serious malnutrition of opportunity for underprivileged children learning music and instruments in the Southern Queensland region. The school will be based in STH QLD and will offer children the opportunity of learning to play an instrument of their choice whilst also providing a institute of learning to the music industry as a career, including recording, publishing, manufacturing, marketing, distribution etc. The school will be opened in 2008 and will house 30 students total. All teachers will be employed by Tension Records and all instruments and equipment will be purchased and held out the school. Students will have the opportunity to take the instruments home for further learning once they have completed a time served/results based accreditation. Students will be screened as to their placement eligibility showing previous results from school and community as evidence to deserving consideration. Based on the success of the first school, Tension Records will commit to replicating this project into all areas of Australia deemed beneficial.
The Artist
Born in NZ, played guitar and sang in his fathers church age 9. Nathan has over 300 songs that he has written, including writing original material for Australian Idol starlet Ricky Lee over the last few years. For those who were endeared to Princess Diana, Nathan and Tension Records have produced an everlasting tribute to her whilst providing key funding for her charities and underprivileged children.
More information on Nathan Fynn and his music is available at:
The Princess is a beautiful and emotional tribute to memory of Princess Diana, filled with the good will and selflessness that she will always be remembered for.
Nathan Fynns The Princess is in stores August 1 through Tension Records and Leading Edge

Event submitted by on behalf of heapsaflash.

Added by heapsaflash on August 13, 2007