2901 John Merritt Blvd.
Nashville, Tennessee 37209

Annual tryout for the Nashville Storm Dance Team, the principal cheer support group for the Nashville Storm Minor League Football Team ( http://www.nashvillestormonline.com ) at home games. The Nashville Storm Dance Team is nationally reknowned for the high quality of the young women who are dancers on the team. Individual dancers from the Nashville Storm Dance Team have made the dance/cheer squads of the NFL Tennessee Titans, the NBA Indiana Pacers, and the NHL Nashville Predators.

 Suggested attire is fitted tops and shorts with either dance slippers or tennis shoes. There is no fee to try out.

Anyone with questions are encouraged to contact Nashville Storm Entertainment Director Dorothy Stewart at 615-268-1828 or dorotste@clientlogic.com .

Official Website: http://www.cityblack.com/event/23551

Added by cityblack on May 16, 2008

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