87th & Pacific
Omaha, Nebraska

The Natural World Observed 2008 exhibition will be taking place this year in November-December in Omaha Nebraska. Preview Catalogues are available for order now at $42.95. The 80 page 10x8 Hardcover is a double stitched library binding/black linen with lux color laminated dustcover. Hardcovers are $56.95

An online preview is now available at stores.deborahchapin.com/books/Booklist.aspx or nappap.org/NWO2008.aspx

Deborah Chapin is the founder and organizer of the first online preview in the arts as well as the network building on the net in this field. The organization was founded in 1991.

More information about the group is available at nappap.org Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Official Website: http://nappap.org/NWO2008.aspx

Added by Deborah Chapin on September 15, 2008