1015 Bank Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 3W7

NAPP Canada 2009 jobfair - COME AND MEET plenty of hiring companies - see partial previous list of companies here http://www.nappcanada.com/previous_jobfair_companies.htm.

We are connecting you to jobs. 5 different dates, 4 locations.

Tell your friends - JUST COME TO THE JOBFAIR and get a job

FREE and Open to Everyone. OMG!!...HUNDREDS of JOB OPPORTUNITIES. More people get jobs at NAPP Canada jobfairs.

OPEN TO EVERYONE. FREE for everyone, simply come to the jobfair with lots of resumes.

DATE (1) - MISSISSAUGA: Tues. March 24, 2009, International Centre,Aviation Ballroom, 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga,ON L4V 1E8 (Airport Rd and Derry Road)

DATE (2) - HAMILTON: Wed. April 8, 2009, Hamilton Convention Centre, 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y2(Between Main and King)

DATE (3) - OTTAWA NEW DATE JUNE 4 (change from April 22): JUNE 4, 2009, Lansdowne Park, 1015 Bank Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 3W7 (Queen Elizabeth Drive and Bank Street)

DATE (4) - TORONTO: Wed. May 20, 2009, Centennial College Conference Centre, 940 Progress Ave, Toronto, ON M1G 3T5 (Markham Rd and HWY 401)

DATE (5) - TORONTO: Thurs. May 21, 2009, Centennial College Conference Centre, 940 Progress Ave, Toronto, ON M1G 3T5 (Markham Rd and HWY 401)

WEBSITE: www.nappcanada.com

TELEPHONE: 905-832-8953

Tell Friends TO REGISTER NOW: http://www.nappcanada.com/attendeeregistration.php

Send us your resume: resumes@nappcanada.com

TIME: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Please help us spread the jobfair info by forwarding this info friends and tell them not to miss out

Official Website: http://www.nappcanada.com

Added by Rita Victoria on January 12, 2009