3733 Lancaster Avenue (West Philly)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

Namibia: Genocide in the Second Reich - BBC
The first holocaust of the 20th century: German genocide against Herero & Nama people in SW Africa from 1904 - 1907.

Film Series - Monday nights at 7 pm
Uhuru Solidarity Center
3733 Lancaster Ave.
West Philadelphia

Africa' Resources Belong to African People Everywhere!
Support African Liberation !
Charity is Not the Solution !

Sponsored by the Uhuru Solidarity Movement to benefit Uhuru Movement programs for justice, reparations and liberation for African people.
215-387-0919 philly_office@apscuhuru.org

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of bud3.

Added by Bud3 on July 28, 2007

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