19 W. Washington St
Oswego, Illinois 60543

Intuition Unlimited Presents/The Angel Center
Mystical Oswego - Metaphysical/Holistic Event

Saturday August 21, 2010 - 10.00-6.00
Sunday August 22, 2010 from 10:00am - 5:00
American Legion Hall
19 W. Washington St
Oswego, Illinois 60544

The Angel Center - Ask Your Angel's day! - Tarot & Intuitive Readers, Reiki & 5th Dimensional Activations. Crystals, Books and much more

Intuition Unlimited wants to introduce
Reconnect to the Earth to Change Your Life
Build a spiritual practice to repair the connection
With Author Ellen Gunter
Saturday 8/28 10am-12pm $40 (book signing)
The idea that our planet is in trouble is nothing new. But doing your part doesn't have to be limited to recycling and lowering your thermostat. This lecture explores how today's environmental crises represent not just a way to reexamine your habits as a consumer but rather a huge opportunity to heal your spiritual connection to the earth, a link that was once not only second nature to us but actually helped keep us alive. You'll learn what it means to be disconnected from the Earth, how that disconnection has contributed to the depletion of the planet's ecosystems, and how you can use some simple but profound ways to build a spiritual practice that can repair that connection. By rekindling an awareness of Nature and its elements, you help heal a link that is as old as mankind and an intrinsic part of your spiritual life.
"Reunion is a book that should be required reading for every single person. Something radical has changed in us and it's not good. We have strayed from our fundamental nature and we must find our way back to our primary rapport with the earth and our own life instincts before we lose
sight of those precious instincts entirely."
- Caroline Myss, author of Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason,
from her Foreword to Reunion

Reality is Books- Visit www.RealityIsBooks.com for information, or call us at 866-534-3366 or email
publish@realityisbooks.com. Reality is book will have a wondrous selection of fiction & nonfiction books for you to check out. Do you have book you would like to publish?

ARCH Hawaiian Energy Healer - Linda Padgurskis is offering one-on-one sessions of ARCH – a Hawaiian Energy Healing that helps restore a state of oneness with the Universe, clearing emotional and mental issues, heal past lives, assist physical healing.

Numerology Readings with Tammi Ostrowsky - Tammi is a veteran nurse of 20yrs. After an angelic experience, her thirst for Spiritual growth and understanding has taken a lead force in her life. She has had lessons in palmistry, aromatherapy, Tarot cards, and numerology. It is the numbers that move her the most. As spiritual vibrational beings we all have a set of core numbers that influence our actions and how we interact with other vibrational beings. In her readings she provides a basic chart of someone's core numbers, their pinnacles and challenges and their karmic lessons. She also gives the seeker a brief outlook to their current personal year and upcoming 9 year cycle. Her readings give the seeker a better understanding of themselves, how others see them, what strengths they posses, and what areas might be stumbling blocks to watch for. Her readings offer personal tools for understanding our relationships with others and what approach might be best during periods of discord. She has learned that we all possess the ability to vibrate at higher levels and by having a better understanding of our personal vibration (numbers) we can more effectively create positive change in our lives.

Intuitive Portraits - Michael Jewula www.michaeljewula.com - I paint out of the necessity to express what I cannot portray in words. When I paint I have no agenda. I put down my first and second washes and then I look for the eyes. The eyes will then make up the composition and will speak. I just listen with my paintbrush and have very little to do with the subject matter. I step aside and let the creation dictate its presence. I do not judge whether the subject is from above, below, anguish or joy it is what it is, all part of the divine. I paint the unseen and the dreamtime. Some bring hope and others bring despair but it is this dichotomy that cannot be avoided, it is what is needed to integrate wholeness.

Chiro One
Chiropractic medicine is a natural health care that focuses on treating a patient without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Doctors of Chiropractic, more commonly known as chiropractors, are primary health care providers licensed in all 50 states, and are recognized by governmental health care programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Workers' Compensation programs and more. Every year, more than 30 million Americans see chiropractors as part of the regular health care programs and with over 84,000 licensed chiropractors nationwide and more than 10,000 students currently enrolled in chiropractic school, it is the fastest growing health care profession.

Inner Harmony - Denise VanVliet DD, LMT is a Nationally Certified and State of Illinois Licensed Massage Therapist and Body worker. Denise is trained in Medical Massage, Swedish massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Muscle Release Technique, Reiki, Thai Massage, Hot Stone Massage and MORE! Denise is committed to keeping up to date with current modalities related to Massage Therapy and Bodywork.

Saturday Aug. 21 Speaker Schedule

10.30 Overcoming Blocks to Manifesting Karl Mollison
If we create our life experience with our thoughts and can manifest abundance using the Law of Attraction, what’s taking so long? The key is we must be a vibrational match to the abundance we desire. Our doubts and fears can hold us back as painful events from the past re-echo unconsciously in our lives. That’s how everyday problems become hard to manage, natural self-healing is impaired, and illness becomes chronic. Come learn about a breakthrough technique for overcoming inner blocks to manifesting what you want. If you struggle with chronic illness, destructive habits, stress, bad relationships, fear, worry, or anger, now you can find out why and eliminate the cause at the same time! Holographic Memory Resolution is a rapid, gentle, and effective way for you to resolve past hurts that limit your success, happiness, and spiritual growth.

11.45 - Michael Jewula - Intuitive and Sacred Art—How does Michael create his beautiful paintings? It is a form of channeling and divine inspiration. He is a wondrous man and artist. For the past several years, Michael Jewula sought ancient wisdom. His search brought him to Mexico, Peru and Brazil, where he studied with shamans and indigenous healers. Because most of his studies were conducted without words, he now relates his revelations with images. Jewula’s images are striking depictions of animals and mythological worlds. Here one sees apparitions from the beyond: spirits that intermingle with abstract material. His pictures ply for as deeper meaning - answers to questions regarding the unknown. Though Jewula does not offer answers literally, he offers a glimpse into what the mind may conjure up within a dreamlike space. Both engaging and seductive, Jewula’s highly crafted renderings use a reductive palette to insinuate a kind of alluring unknown. His washy watercolor and acrylic surfaces create beautiful textures that lend his surfaces a handsome materiality.

1.00 A Guru in the Office by Dawn Staszak. (RealityIsBooks, 2009, $11.95, Paperback.)
You know what you want to do to be the person you want to be. But like most, you also know the problems that occur when resolve meets reality, and the demands (and habits) of your “real life” reassert themselves and get in the way of your new resolutions. Nowhere is this truer than at the office, where circumstances and co-workers seem almost to conspire to sabotage your best plans and intentions.
But it is possible to bridge the gap between business and spirituality. And in A Guru in the Office, author Dawn Staszak shows you how with fifty tips and techniques that can easily be adapted into your daily routine to keep you on your path. As Dawn says, “I’m just an ordinary woman, in an ordinary job, living in ordinary suburbia, so if I can do this, you can, too! It is possible to bring your spirituality to the office, so that you don’t have to be a Buddhist monk, a Yoga instructor, or a New Age storeowner to live within your center every day. All of this is meant to help you, and remind you that, in fact, you are your own guru.”
Dawn Staszak has worked in the office environment for over nineteen years including commercial and non-profit, large and small companies, both as a permanent and temporary employee. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. — James Loftus, Editor, The Monthly Aspectarian

2:00 Linda Padgurskis Be grateful for everything you have, joyful for all the gifts you bring to the world, and open to the angels that surround you in your day
I am excited to share the steps that I use to help me feel great. These are steps that work and have made a difference in my life. Learn what the 25 Tantalizing Tips To A Wonderful Life is and make them a part of your life and see how wonderful your life can become!!! Everyone who attends will receive the list and more information of each step will be given during my talk. Hope to see you there!

3.15 Kendra Lockheart—"Telling Tales to Find Your Truth" Kendra Lockhart, author of a series of transformational children's books will be speaking about what kids really need to read nowadays. She also addresses the importance of storytelling as an art to discovering what we truly want to say and hear. Kendra's adventure in literature was unburying our greatest treasure: our voice.
Her project, Marina's Mind, contributes to a kids' development charity.

4.15 Rúnda 3™, created by Denise VanVliet DD, LMT, is a complete mystical practitioner system used to heal, energetically balance, understand how and why we do things, and develop psychic skills. Rúnda 3™ is for those in the healing arts to heal themselves and others, and to connect with their individual psychic gifts. This presentation will give an overview of how the system came about and what is learned during a practitioner training.

Sunday August 22
10.00-12.00 - Yolanda Lozano ~ Teacher of Healing Arts will play the Crystal Bowls during the Deeksha Oneness Blessing. Deeksha Oneness Blessing & -Deeksha is an ancient word derived from the Sanskrit Language that refers to a 'Benediction' or a 'Gift', or having to do with the notion of 'transfer' - in short, the receipt of a gift from the Divine, from God, from the Higher Self, which fuels the awakening process. Deeksha is a blessing from the Divine that works to activate the Kundalini, balance the chakras and serves to intelligently guide the recipient on an individual, unique journey into higher states of consciousness and ultimately into the state of Oneness itself.

12.15-1.00 a Gang of Girls Presents Duo Channeling - Donna Damato & Auriel Grace-during this channeling you will receive Archeia Faith’s blessing and Isis’ Heart Attunement. Anubis & Archeia Hope will have Messages for you as well. $10.00

1.15-2.15 Join Leslee Serdar for very creative, fun and entertaining - Turn Your Boo Hoo Into a WOO HOO!™Introducing a "Trilogy of Healing" “Drive-Thru Healing”…. Because…Who Really Has TIME For The Pain? Come to this introduction to learn how to "bury your issues" from your past, move through FEAR to create EMPOWERMENT and simply CELEBRATE YOU!!! This one hour intro talk will introduce you to a way that will make healing FUN, interactive and most of all effective! Learn how to forgive and let go, move through obstacles holding you back and love and accept yourself wherever you are at in your life. The only requirement is to bring an open mind!

2.30-3.30 Kaaren Smoot - "Dancing with Skeletons™"
"We all want to be "healed", and there are many, many modalities and practitioners out there to help you do it. Before making choices, perhaps it would be a good idea to define for yourself just what healing actually means, where it can take you, what to expect, and, most importantly, what your role is. You will also gain an understanding of how Quantum Physics applies to you.
As your approach, the steps you are willing to take, the depth to which you are willing to go, become clearer, the actions you take become more and more profound."

3.45-5.00 Introduction to the Paranormal
We are a team of paranormal research investigators from Into The Night Paranormal. This discussion will include methods for gathering data during an investigation, how the data is reviewed to determine if any paranormal evidence was captured, and reviewing past evidence that we have gathered.
• Who is I.T.N.P
• What we do
• Types of Hauntings
• Equipment used to capture evidence
• Techniques used to capture evidence
• What are Orbs?
• What is an EVP?
• Ghost Photography
• Question and Answer

For more information or if you would like to be a vendor please contact Auriel Grace @ mysticaloswegoevent@gmail.com

Ticket Info: 5.00

Added by aurielgrace on April 28, 2010