From the heart of Djwal Kul comes new teaching in a one-day class entitled, Love as an Initiator of the New Era. This Meru University class offers you the third Magi’s perspective on the mystic path of adeptship. His teaching will complete the trilogy and complement the two previous courses in this cycle: El Morya’s teaching in The New Blue Energies from Sirius seminar and Kuthumi’s class, Illumination from the Central Sun.
Djwal Kul, whose very breath emanates cosmic love-fire, will speak on the true meaning of love. He will call you to take your next step, to increase your focus on the sacred fires of your own heart, further preparing you to be the solution the Earth requires now. Get ready! He will answer your questions and ask you to answer his. Expect to be initiated by love, as love, in love. For love is all that you are.
Course instructor, David Christopher Lewis, will share from the wealth of Djwal Kul’s HeartStreams on love as adeptship as well as highlight related teachings from Jesus, Peter Deunov and Paramahansa Yogananda. David will reveal why divine love is inextricably linked to the Age of Aquarius as the New Era. Come prepared to accept more fire and more understanding of who you are.
Official Website:
Added by The Hearts Center on October 6, 2012